Vitenskapelig program digitalt

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Her er foreløpig program:

Program mandag

10:00Welcoming address
Kjell Ingebrigtsen, Chairman of the Board in the Nor-Fishing Foundation Prime Minister Erna Solberg
 The role of seafood in world economics
Børge Brende, President WEC
How Covid-19 Supports the Case for Land Based as the Third Source of Seafood
Ohad Maiman, CEO Kingfish
 What does the future of marine ingredients in aquafeed look like?
Petter Martin Johannessen, Director General, IFFO
 Blue foods for a green, not too warm future
Carlos Duarte
11:00-12:00Break (1 h)
 Technology for development of the global aquaculture industry
Alexandra Bech Gjørv , CEO SINTEF
 The ocean and climate change. Can technology contribute?
Prof. Asgeir Sørensen, NTNU / AMOS
 Industrial digital ambitions and development trends
Asle Kjetil Bratteli, Chief Digital Officer, AKVA Group ASA
 Future distribution of fish products
Marketing director Ola Brattvoll, MOWI
13:10-13:40Break (30 min)
 Driving forces and limiting factors for aquaculture growth
Geir Ove Ystmark, CEO Seafood Norway
 Where is capital going in the aquaculture industry?
Kolbjørn Giskeødegaard, Colombi
 Why we have to eat more fish
Gunhild Stordalen, Eat and Renate Larsen, Norges Sjømatråd
Moderator: Christina Abildgaard
Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen
Alexandra Bech Gjørv
Petter Johannessen
Kristian Henriksen
Gunn Kari Hygen

Program tirsdag

Tuesday August 24th 
11:00-11:40Technology for the future – biology and technology hand in hand
Welcome to the Research Plaza
Mari Sundli Tveit, CEO, Norwegian Research Council
 SMART Ocean: a contribution to future environment surveillance?
By Geir Anton Johansen, UiB
Availability for vessel operations at exposed sites
Hans Tobias Slette, NTNU
 Digital twin – to handle more exposed locations
Sveinung Johan Ohrem, Sintef Ocean
 What should we measure, and what does it mean to the fish?
Birger Venås, Sintef Ocean
 Norway’s first hatchery for cod with RAS technology
Halvard Hovland, Havlandet Marin Yngel
 Digitalization and Robotics in Aquaculture
Herman B. Amundsen, Sintef Ocean
 Artificial Vision for Autonomous Monitoring and Production Control in Fish Farming
I Hao Chen, Norce
 An accoustic status indicator for surveillance of the sound landscape in salmon farming
Carolyn Rosten, NINA
 Dashboard for monitoring mortality
Britt Bang Jensen, VI
 Slaughter vessels – the future slaughterhouse
Bjørn Roth, Nofima
11:40-12:10Break (30 min)
12:10-13:40Exposed Aquaculture- challenges and opportunities
 Exposed Aquaculture – challenges and opportunities
Hans Bjelland, SINTEF
 How is the new NS 9415 (2021) applied for exposed aquaculture?
Are Berstad, Aquastructures
 Development licenses and fish farm technology
Heidi Moe Føre, SINTEF
 Path transformation through industrial critical junctures – a comparative case study of the salmon farming industries in Norway and Tasmania
Emil Lindfors, Western Norway University Of Applied Sciences
 Fish welfare at exposed sites
Ole Folkedal, Institute of Marine Research
 How operational safety and risk assessment can be part of your digital strategy and sustainability reporting
Ole Matre, Mørenot
13:40-14:10Break (30 min)
14:10-14:55Aquaculture for the future – better utilization of the resources
 Spotted wolffish – the ugly duckling in aquaculture?
Lars Olav Sparboe, Akvaplan-niva
 Genetic processing of kelp
Åshild Ergon, NMBU
 How technology can measure growth of micro- and macroalgae along the Norwegian coast
Glaucia Fragosa, NTNU
 Collection system for sludge and recycling of the raw material from open fish cages
Ole Arthur Vaage, Bedriftsnettverket ARAL
 New indicator properties for individual feed efficiency in Atlantic salmon
Hanne Dvergedal, NMBU
 Circular food production – hype or hope?
Erik-Jan Lock, HI
 How to prevent and manage episodes of harmful algae and jellyfish in the aquaculture industry
Trine Dale, NIVA
 Polychaetes Contribution to Circular Economy as Recyclers of Aquaculture Sludge
Arne Malzahn, SINTEF Ocean
ASTRAL – All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture
Elisa Ravagnan, Norce
14:55-15:00Break (5 min)
15:00-16:30Nofima – Fiskens biologi utfordrer ny teknologi (NO)
 High production costs can stop the industry from being profitable
Audun Iversen
 Several improvements possible in the use of lumpfish
Lill-Heidi Johansen
 Vaccine and skeletal deformity in salmon
Grete Bæverfjord
 More efficient utilization of feed reduces cost and footprint
Gareth Difford
 Digitalization of welfare evaluation in closed sea cages
Åsa Espmark
 Can we maintain good fish health in changing climate?
Alf S. Dalum

Program onsdag

Wednesday August 25th 
11:00-11:45How to ensure a healthy and robust fish?
Salmon that grows slowly at the hatchery stage gets better heart health later in life
Ida Beitnes Johansen, NMBU
 Can hatcheries get rid of the salmon pox virus?
Brit Tørud, VI
Industrial testing of a new Norwegian ozone reactor and skimmer system
Kevin Torben Stiller, Nofima/Normex
 A systematic review on environmental conditions affecting production of robust smolt/ post-smolt fish
Pradeep Lal, Norce
 Infection networks and modelling
Per-Arne Emaus, Akvaplan-niva
 Infection tracing in Norwegian aquaculture
Snorre Gulla, VI
 ILA – Infection tracing and the importance of HPR0
Torfinn Moldal, VI
 Modelling of combat strategies against ISA
Mona Dverdal Jansen, VI
 Starving salmon – a positive story
Lars Helge Stien, HI
11:45-12:00Break (15 min)
12:00-13:45Feed resources and nutrition
 Krill meal – an effective and sustainable raw material for feeds
Kiranpreet Kaur, AKBM
 Sustainable Aquaculture Growth: Nutritional and Pellet Technical opportunities and challenges using novel aquafeed raw materials
Katerina Kousoulaki, Nofima
 Modelling processing impacts on feed pellet quality to optimize feed production efficiency
Hongyuan Cheng, Technical University Of Denmark
 The Future Fish Feed
Eric Olav Gracey, Biomar
 Råvareløftet (NO)
Stefan Erbs, Bellona
 High CO2 reduction potential with Europe Soya-certified Soy Protein Concentrate (SPC)
Rittler Leopold, Donau Soja Organisation
 The Omega-3 Sparing Effect of Saturated Fatty Acids
Giovanni Turchini, Deakin University
13:45-14:00Break (15 min)
14:00-14:55Can we get rid of the lice?
 Getting to know the lice – new research from the Lice Centre
Frank Nilsen, UiB
 To avoid salmon lice, you need to know where it is
Sussie Dalvin, HI
 Spreading of salmon lice – from individual facilities to a common strategy
Ingrid Johnsen, HI
 Swimming behaviour of salmon lice copepods – are they attracted to natural and artificial light?
Anna Solvang Båtnes, NTNU
 Vaccination against salmon lice – a dream come true?
Øystein Evensen, NMBU
 Circular food production – hype or hope?
Erik-Jan Lock, HI
 Environmental risk assessment of a new method for administering medicated feeds against salmon lice
Gro Harlaug Refseth, Akvaplan-niva
 Deep dome – submersible cage with air dome
Trude Olafsen, Akvagroup
The initial feeding of cleaner-fish is more important than you think
Elin Kjørsvik, NTNU
 Mapping of experiences from the use of lice skirts
Bård Harald Worum, Akvaplan niva
 Lumpfish – effect of lice treatment
Elisabeth Ytteborg, Nofima
14:55-15:00Break (5 min)
15:00-17:00Fiskevelferd til hverdags. Praktiske verktøy i fiskevelferdsarbeidet (NO) – Live
 Innledning v/Stine Gismervik
 Hva betyr den nye Havbruksstrategien for fiskevelferden til hverdags? v/Statssekretær Trine L Danielsen, NFD
 Norsk standard, hva vil det bety i hverdagen? v/Ingunn Sommerset, Veterinærinstituttet
 Hvordan står det til med fiskevelferden? v/Tore Kristiansen, Havforskningsinstituttet
 Hva gjør Salmon Group med velferdsrapporten sin til hverdags? v/Ingebjørg Sævareid, Salmon Group
 Postsmoltproduksjon på land – bedre eller dårligere fiskevelferd? v/Nina Sandlund,
 Break (15 min)
 Rognkjeks på jobb – hva med kravet til godt arbeidsmiljø? v/Eva-Jeanette Johansen, Mattilsynet
 Spørsmål/kommentarer/Slido ved Ewa Harasimczuk/ Stine Gismervik
 Fiskevelferdsprisen 2021. presentasjon av kandidatene v/Brit Tørud, Veterinærinstituttet
 Utnevnelse av vinneren. Vinneren presenterer seg selv v/Pål Mugaas Jensen, Norsk fiskeoppdrett
 Avslutning ved Stine Gismervik

Program torsdag

Thursday August 26th 
11:00-11:50Environmental and societal challenges in aquaculture – how can they be solved?
Can we eat the cleaner-fish?
Gøril Voldnes, Nofima
 Sustainable food production from aquaculture
Per Fauchald, NINA
Green energy for the aquaculture industry using floating photovoltaic systems
Jan Erik Våge Klepp, Inseanergy
 Significance of the Norwegian aquaculture industry in a global perspective
Ulf Johansen, SINTEF Ocean
 «Greener» salmon with natural micro algae
Gabriel Ossenkamp, FjordAlg
 What do we know about the effects of escaped farmed fish?
Kevin Glover, HI
 Humpback salmon (pink, or Oncorhyncus gorbscha) in Norway, today and in the future
Henrik Berntsen, NINA 
 More environmental-friendly transport of salmon?
Bjørn Tore Rotabakk, Nofima
 Spatial planning for the aquaculture industry of the future
Tormod H. Skålsvik, Akvaplan-niva
11:50-12:20Break (30 min)
12:20-15:40Land-based aquaculture
 Food, energy and circular economy: challenges and opportunities for Norway and salmon farming in RAS
Johan Berg Pettersen, NTNU Industrial Ecology
 Deciding upon the optimal smolt weight in the salmon farming industry
Ola Drange Veglo, NTNU
 Salinity change strategies for nitrification in RAS
Sharada Navada, Pure Salmon Kaldnes Ras As
 How unique or common are microbial communities in biofilters? A tale of state-of-the-art long-term monitoring of biofilters in industrial recirculating aquaculture systems
Deni Ribičić, SINTEF Ocean As
 Future microbial methods for controlling water quality in RAS
Olav Vadstein, NTNU Departments of Biotechnology and Food Science
 H2S – Current trends and possible solutions in Norwegian RAS facilities
Paulo Fernandes, Niva
 Real time monitoring of H2S in closed aquaculture facilities
Eldar Lien, Searas As
 MembWell : Nanofiltered intake water to RAS for improved health and welfare of Atlantic salmon postsmolt
Nessler Karen, AkvaFresh As
 Saving water by removal of off-flavour in farmed fish
Aikaterini Spiliotopoulou, Water Aps
 Identification of a new variant of the IPN virus in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that can cause mortality even in the IPN-QTL resistant fish
Hooman Moghadam, Benchmark Genetics Norway
 Identification of aquacultural aptitude areas as a strategy to improve the trophic state of an estuarine lagoon system
Omar Calvario-Martinez, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo
 Evaluating methods for active off-flavour removal in a large-scale RAS
Ingrid Henry, AKVA group ASA
 Determining the lowest UV dose for water Biosecurity in Aquaculture operations           
Assaf Lowenthal, Atlantium Technologies
15:40-15:45Break (5 min)
15:45-17:15Ansvarlig sjømattransport – Er bransjestandarden løsningen? (NO)
Her vil sentrale aktører fra forvaltning og næring delta. Blant disse Geir A. Mo, Adm. direktør NLF og Robert Eriksson Adm. direktør Sjømatbedriftene. I tillegg vil det komme innlegg fra samferdselsdepartementet, Statens Vegvesen, Mattilsynet og Arbeidstilsynet samt. advokat og leder for juridisk avdeling/juridisk direktør i NLF, Robert Aksnes.

Program fredag

Friday August 26th 
11:00-12:10Food processing and engineering
Mapping of rest raw material and food-loss in the Norwegian seafood industry
Magnus Myhre, SINTEF Ocean
 The Aker Biomarine approach to total utilization and maximum value creation from Antarctic krill
Diana Lindberg, Aker biomarine AS
Hogne Abrahamsen
Pump, Stun, Bleed: Advances in humane slaughter technology             
Nathan Pyne-carter, Ace Aquatec
 Valorization of fish waste using a microwave-assisted gravimetric technique
Mohammed Chowdhury, Institute Of Technology Sligo
12:10-12:40Break (30 min)
12:40-13:40Enabling technology for aquaculture
 Fish or get phished!
Sean Armana, Hr Prosjekt As
 Aquaculture AI – changing the industry
Bryton Shang, Aquabyte Inc
 Aquafarming, A Sustainable business
Leif A. Stavøstrand, Evoy
 SEATRU: Unlocking Precision Microbiome Management in Aquaculture
Ruben Props, Center of Microbial Ecology and Technology, Ghent University