Vitenskapelig program digitalt
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Program mandag
10:00 | Welcoming address Kjell Ingebrigtsen, Chairman of the Board in the Nor-Fishing Foundation Prime Minister Erna Solberg |
The role of seafood in world economics Børge Brende, President WEC | |
How Covid-19 Supports the Case for Land Based as the Third Source of Seafood Ohad Maiman, CEO Kingfish | |
What does the future of marine ingredients in aquafeed look like? Petter Martin Johannessen, Director General, IFFO | |
Blue foods for a green, not too warm future Carlos Duarte | |
11:00-12:00 | Break (1 h) |
Technology for development of the global aquaculture industry Alexandra Bech Gjørv , CEO SINTEF | |
The ocean and climate change. Can technology contribute? Prof. Asgeir Sørensen, NTNU / AMOS | |
Industrial digital ambitions and development trends Asle Kjetil Bratteli, Chief Digital Officer, AKVA Group ASA | |
Future distribution of fish products Marketing director Ola Brattvoll, MOWI | |
13:10-13:40 | Break (30 min) |
Driving forces and limiting factors for aquaculture growth Geir Ove Ystmark, CEO Seafood Norway | |
Where is capital going in the aquaculture industry? Kolbjørn Giskeødegaard, Colombi | |
Why we have to eat more fish Gunhild Stordalen, Eat and Renate Larsen, Norges Sjømatråd | |
14:30 | ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION Moderator: Christina Abildgaard Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen Alexandra Bech Gjørv Petter Johannessen Kristian Henriksen Gunn Kari Hygen |
Program tirsdag
Tuesday August 24th | |
11:00-11:40 | Technology for the future – biology and technology hand in hand |
Welcome to the Research Plaza Mari Sundli Tveit, CEO, Norwegian Research Council | |
SMART Ocean: a contribution to future environment surveillance? By Geir Anton Johansen, UiB | |
Availability for vessel operations at exposed sites Hans Tobias Slette, NTNU | |
Digital twin – to handle more exposed locations Sveinung Johan Ohrem, Sintef Ocean | |
What should we measure, and what does it mean to the fish? Birger Venås, Sintef Ocean | |
Norway’s first hatchery for cod with RAS technology Halvard Hovland, Havlandet Marin Yngel | |
Digitalization and Robotics in Aquaculture Herman B. Amundsen, Sintef Ocean | |
Artificial Vision for Autonomous Monitoring and Production Control in Fish Farming I Hao Chen, Norce | |
An accoustic status indicator for surveillance of the sound landscape in salmon farming Carolyn Rosten, NINA | |
Dashboard for monitoring mortality Britt Bang Jensen, VI | |
Slaughter vessels – the future slaughterhouse Bjørn Roth, Nofima | |
11:40-12:10 | Break (30 min) |
12:10-13:40 | Exposed Aquaculture- challenges and opportunities |
Exposed Aquaculture – challenges and opportunities Hans Bjelland, SINTEF | |
How is the new NS 9415 (2021) applied for exposed aquaculture? Are Berstad, Aquastructures | |
Development licenses and fish farm technology Heidi Moe Føre, SINTEF | |
Path transformation through industrial critical junctures – a comparative case study of the salmon farming industries in Norway and Tasmania Emil Lindfors, Western Norway University Of Applied Sciences | |
Fish welfare at exposed sites Ole Folkedal, Institute of Marine Research | |
How operational safety and risk assessment can be part of your digital strategy and sustainability reporting Ole Matre, Mørenot | |
13:40-14:10 | Break (30 min) |
14:10-14:55 | Aquaculture for the future – better utilization of the resources |
Spotted wolffish – the ugly duckling in aquaculture? Lars Olav Sparboe, Akvaplan-niva | |
Genetic processing of kelp Åshild Ergon, NMBU | |
How technology can measure growth of micro- and macroalgae along the Norwegian coast Glaucia Fragosa, NTNU | |
Collection system for sludge and recycling of the raw material from open fish cages Ole Arthur Vaage, Bedriftsnettverket ARAL | |
New indicator properties for individual feed efficiency in Atlantic salmon Hanne Dvergedal, NMBU | |
Circular food production – hype or hope? Erik-Jan Lock, HI | |
How to prevent and manage episodes of harmful algae and jellyfish in the aquaculture industry Trine Dale, NIVA | |
Polychaetes Contribution to Circular Economy as Recyclers of Aquaculture Sludge Arne Malzahn, SINTEF Ocean | |
ASTRAL – All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture Elisa Ravagnan, Norce | |
14:55-15:00 | Break (5 min) |
15:00-16:30 | Nofima – Fiskens biologi utfordrer ny teknologi (NO) |
High production costs can stop the industry from being profitable Audun Iversen | |
Several improvements possible in the use of lumpfish Lill-Heidi Johansen | |
Vaccine and skeletal deformity in salmon Grete Bæverfjord | |
More efficient utilization of feed reduces cost and footprint Gareth Difford | |
Digitalization of welfare evaluation in closed sea cages Åsa Espmark | |
Can we maintain good fish health in changing climate? Alf S. Dalum |
Program onsdag
Wednesday August 25th | |
11:00-11:45 | How to ensure a healthy and robust fish? |
Salmon that grows slowly at the hatchery stage gets better heart health later in life Ida Beitnes Johansen, NMBU | |
Can hatcheries get rid of the salmon pox virus? Brit Tørud, VI | |
Industrial testing of a new Norwegian ozone reactor and skimmer system Kevin Torben Stiller, Nofima/Normex | |
A systematic review on environmental conditions affecting production of robust smolt/ post-smolt fish Pradeep Lal, Norce | |
Infection networks and modelling Per-Arne Emaus, Akvaplan-niva | |
Infection tracing in Norwegian aquaculture Snorre Gulla, VI | |
ILA – Infection tracing and the importance of HPR0 Torfinn Moldal, VI | |
Modelling of combat strategies against ISA Mona Dverdal Jansen, VI | |
Starving salmon – a positive story Lars Helge Stien, HI | |
11:45-12:00 | Break (15 min) |
12:00-13:45 | Feed resources and nutrition |
Krill meal – an effective and sustainable raw material for feeds Kiranpreet Kaur, AKBM | |
Sustainable Aquaculture Growth: Nutritional and Pellet Technical opportunities and challenges using novel aquafeed raw materials Katerina Kousoulaki, Nofima | |
Modelling processing impacts on feed pellet quality to optimize feed production efficiency Hongyuan Cheng, Technical University Of Denmark | |
The Future Fish Feed Eric Olav Gracey, Biomar | |
Råvareløftet (NO) Stefan Erbs, Bellona | |
High CO2 reduction potential with Europe Soya-certified Soy Protein Concentrate (SPC) Rittler Leopold, Donau Soja Organisation | |
The Omega-3 Sparing Effect of Saturated Fatty Acids Giovanni Turchini, Deakin University | |
13:45-14:00 | Break (15 min) |
14:00-14:55 | Can we get rid of the lice? |
Getting to know the lice – new research from the Lice Centre Frank Nilsen, UiB | |
To avoid salmon lice, you need to know where it is Sussie Dalvin, HI | |
Spreading of salmon lice – from individual facilities to a common strategy Ingrid Johnsen, HI | |
Swimming behaviour of salmon lice copepods – are they attracted to natural and artificial light? Anna Solvang Båtnes, NTNU | |
Vaccination against salmon lice – a dream come true? Øystein Evensen, NMBU | |
Circular food production – hype or hope? Erik-Jan Lock, HI | |
Environmental risk assessment of a new method for administering medicated feeds against salmon lice Gro Harlaug Refseth, Akvaplan-niva | |
Deep dome – submersible cage with air dome Trude Olafsen, Akvagroup | |
The initial feeding of cleaner-fish is more important than you think Elin Kjørsvik, NTNU | |
Mapping of experiences from the use of lice skirts Bård Harald Worum, Akvaplan niva | |
Lumpfish – effect of lice treatment Elisabeth Ytteborg, Nofima | |
14:55-15:00 | Break (5 min) |
15:00-17:00 | Fiskevelferd til hverdags. Praktiske verktøy i fiskevelferdsarbeidet (NO) – Live |
Innledning v/Stine Gismervik | |
Hva betyr den nye Havbruksstrategien for fiskevelferden til hverdags? v/Statssekretær Trine L Danielsen, NFD | |
Norsk standard, hva vil det bety i hverdagen? v/Ingunn Sommerset, Veterinærinstituttet | |
Hvordan står det til med fiskevelferden? v/Tore Kristiansen, Havforskningsinstituttet | |
Hva gjør Salmon Group med velferdsrapporten sin til hverdags? v/Ingebjørg Sævareid, Salmon Group | |
Postsmoltproduksjon på land – bedre eller dårligere fiskevelferd? v/Nina Sandlund, | |
Break (15 min) | |
Rognkjeks på jobb – hva med kravet til godt arbeidsmiljø? v/Eva-Jeanette Johansen, Mattilsynet | |
Spørsmål/kommentarer/Slido ved Ewa Harasimczuk/ Stine Gismervik | |
Fiskevelferdsprisen 2021. presentasjon av kandidatene v/Brit Tørud, Veterinærinstituttet | |
Utnevnelse av vinneren. Vinneren presenterer seg selv v/Pål Mugaas Jensen, Norsk fiskeoppdrett | |
Avslutning ved Stine Gismervik |
Program torsdag
Thursday August 26th | |
11:00-11:50 | Environmental and societal challenges in aquaculture – how can they be solved? |
Can we eat the cleaner-fish? Gøril Voldnes, Nofima | |
Sustainable food production from aquaculture Per Fauchald, NINA | |
Green energy for the aquaculture industry using floating photovoltaic systems Jan Erik Våge Klepp, Inseanergy | |
Significance of the Norwegian aquaculture industry in a global perspective Ulf Johansen, SINTEF Ocean | |
«Greener» salmon with natural micro algae Gabriel Ossenkamp, FjordAlg | |
What do we know about the effects of escaped farmed fish? Kevin Glover, HI | |
Humpback salmon (pink, or Oncorhyncus gorbscha) in Norway, today and in the future Henrik Berntsen, NINA | |
More environmental-friendly transport of salmon? Bjørn Tore Rotabakk, Nofima | |
Spatial planning for the aquaculture industry of the future Tormod H. Skålsvik, Akvaplan-niva | |
11:50-12:20 | Break (30 min) |
12:20-15:40 | Land-based aquaculture |
Food, energy and circular economy: challenges and opportunities for Norway and salmon farming in RAS Johan Berg Pettersen, NTNU Industrial Ecology | |
Deciding upon the optimal smolt weight in the salmon farming industry Ola Drange Veglo, NTNU | |
Salinity change strategies for nitrification in RAS Sharada Navada, Pure Salmon Kaldnes Ras As | |
How unique or common are microbial communities in biofilters? A tale of state-of-the-art long-term monitoring of biofilters in industrial recirculating aquaculture systems Deni Ribičić, SINTEF Ocean As | |
Future microbial methods for controlling water quality in RAS Olav Vadstein, NTNU Departments of Biotechnology and Food Science | |
H2S – Current trends and possible solutions in Norwegian RAS facilities Paulo Fernandes, Niva | |
Real time monitoring of H2S in closed aquaculture facilities Eldar Lien, Searas As | |
MembWell : Nanofiltered intake water to RAS for improved health and welfare of Atlantic salmon postsmolt Nessler Karen, AkvaFresh As | |
Saving water by removal of off-flavour in farmed fish Aikaterini Spiliotopoulou, Water Aps | |
Identification of a new variant of the IPN virus in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that can cause mortality even in the IPN-QTL resistant fish Hooman Moghadam, Benchmark Genetics Norway | |
Identification of aquacultural aptitude areas as a strategy to improve the trophic state of an estuarine lagoon system Omar Calvario-Martinez, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo | |
Evaluating methods for active off-flavour removal in a large-scale RAS Ingrid Henry, AKVA group ASA | |
Determining the lowest UV dose for water Biosecurity in Aquaculture operations Assaf Lowenthal, Atlantium Technologies | |
15:40-15:45 | Break (5 min) |
15:45-17:15 | Ansvarlig sjømattransport – Er bransjestandarden løsningen? (NO) Her vil sentrale aktører fra forvaltning og næring delta. Blant disse Geir A. Mo, Adm. direktør NLF og Robert Eriksson Adm. direktør Sjømatbedriftene. I tillegg vil det komme innlegg fra samferdselsdepartementet, Statens Vegvesen, Mattilsynet og Arbeidstilsynet samt. advokat og leder for juridisk avdeling/juridisk direktør i NLF, Robert Aksnes. |
Program fredag
Friday August 26th | |
11:00-12:10 | Food processing and engineering |
Mapping of rest raw material and food-loss in the Norwegian seafood industry Magnus Myhre, SINTEF Ocean | |
The Aker Biomarine approach to total utilization and maximum value creation from Antarctic krill Diana Lindberg, Aker biomarine AS | |
Hogne Abrahamsen | |
Pump, Stun, Bleed: Advances in humane slaughter technology Nathan Pyne-carter, Ace Aquatec | |
Valorization of fish waste using a microwave-assisted gravimetric technique Mohammed Chowdhury, Institute Of Technology Sligo | |
12:10-12:40 | Break (30 min) |
12:40-13:40 | Enabling technology for aquaculture |
Fish or get phished! Sean Armana, Hr Prosjekt As | |
Aquaculture AI – changing the industry Bryton Shang, Aquabyte Inc | |
Aquafarming, A Sustainable business Leif A. Stavøstrand, Evoy | |
SEATRU: Unlocking Precision Microbiome Management in Aquaculture Ruben Props, Center of Microbial Ecology and Technology, Ghent University |