
The industry’s most important meeting place

Since 1979, Aqua Nor has been an important international meeting place for the aquaculture industry. Fish farmers, suppliers, researchers and senior officials from all over the world come to Trondheim for this event. This is where new networks are built and enlarged, be it at the various places in the exhibition area, or out on the town in Trondheim during the evening.


Authorities, organizations and private companies alike make use of the opportunity to organize receptions of various kinds, from shrimp parties and buffets to cocktails receptions for foreign visitors. In addition, restaurnats in Trondheim have special offers for the visitors and exhibitors during the week, and the whole town seems to be participating in the Aqua Nor week.

Social events

Each year, the Nor-Fishing Foundation hosts fantastic social events, including the Grand Dinner and the Seafood Streetfood Dinner. These gatherings provide excellent opportunities to connect with industry peers, colleagues, and partners while enjoying exceptional food and entertainment. Due to their popularity and limited capacity, we highly recommend securing your tickets early. Read more about our social events and find your tickets here.