Aqua Nor 2023 – Great interest in this year’s Innovation Award!
9. June 2023 · Ukategorisert
There has always been great interest in the Nor-Fishing Foundation’s Innovation Award of NOK 100,000. This year, a total of 29 applications have been received, compared to 21 applications under Aqua Nor 2021. Of the applicants, 7 applications are from Norwegian companies and the rest are distributed among countries such as Finland, Denmark, UK, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Egypt, Singapore, New Zealand, USA and Canada.
Exhibition Manager Kari Steinsbø is very pleased that, in addition to the Norwegian applicants, there are a total of 22 applicants from 13 nations.
– Despite the fact that we live in a troubled world, it is important to develop the industry and be able to constantly increase the production of food from the sea.
Kari Steinsbø, Exhibition Manager

It is a big task for the jury to process so many applications, which cover many fields. All applications are now reviewed and submitted to the Jury. The plan is for three finalist candidates to be announced by the end of June. The three finalists can then use their candidacy in their own profiling and marketing.
The winner of the Innovation Award 2023 will be announced during Aqua Nor 2023.
If you have questions related to the Innovation Award, please contact jury secretary Odd Berg
E-mail: odd9berg@gmail.com
Phone: +47 901 19 942
Read about the three finalists for the 2021 Innovation Award.
SeaRAS Aquasense won the Nor-Fishing Foundation’s Innovation Award 2021.