Welcome to The Research Plaza during this year’s Aqua Nor

The Research Plaza is a meeting place for discussions on research and innovation in aquaculture. This is the stand to seek out for everyone interested in research and innovation, including university education in aquaculture. We are happy to help with answers to questions about research and information about educational opportunities, or if you have specific project ideas or would like tips on collaboration, funding opportunities and advice on writing project applications.

At the plaza we will host mini-seminars every day during the exhibition. A new feature this year is that The Research Plaza is also available at the Aqua Nor Digital.

Most presentations will be given in Norwegian.

The Research Plaza’s mini seminars

The mini-seminars shed light on current topics with research-based knowledge. Each session lasts about 50 minutes and includes short presentations on the latest research and business news, with the main focus on results that can be used by industry and management in the near future.

The themes of this year’s mini-seminars are;

  1. Technology for the future of aquaculture – biology and technology hand in hand
  2. Aquaculture for the future – better use of all resources
  3. How to ensure a healthy and robust fish?
  4. Are we getting rid of the lice?
  5. Environmental and societal challenges in aquaculture – how can they be solved?

This year’s Research Plaza is a collaboration between Nofima, SINTEF Ocean, NORCE, NTNU, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, the University of Bergen, the Institute of Marine Research, the Veterinary Institute, NMBU, NINA, Akvaplan-niva, FHF, Innovation Norway and the Research Council.

Contact persons;

Elin Vikane, Research Council of Norway, tel. +47 945 25 370

Maja Bævre-Jensen, FHF, tel. +47 995 62 251

You can find us in Hall A at booth number A 122-137.

Programme Tuesday 24 August Part 1

Total length: 50 minutes from 11.30 – 12.30 (each presentation lasts 5 minutes)

Technology for the future of aquaculture – biology and technology hand in hand 
PresentationSpeaker and institution
Opening of the Research plazaOdd Emil Ingebrigtsen, Minister of Fisheries and Seafood
SMART Ocean: contribution to future environmental surveillance!  
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Prof Geir Anton Johansen, University of Bergen
Availability for vessel operations at exposed sites
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Hans Tobias Slette, Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU
Digital twin – to deal with more exposed conditions
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Sveinung Johan Ohrem, Sintef Ocean
What should we measure, and what does it mean for the fish?
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Birger Venås, Sintef Ocean
Norway’s first hatchery for cod with RAS technology
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Halvard Hovland, Havlandet Marin Yngel
Digitalization and Robotics in Aquaculture
NB: This presentation will be held in English
Herman B. Amundsen, Sintef Ocean
Artificial Vision for Autonomous Monitoring and Production Control in Fish Farming
NB: This presentation will be held in English
I Hao Chen, Norce
An acoustic status indicator for monitoring the soundscape in salmon farming
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Carolyn Rosten, Norwegian Institute of Nature Research – NINA
Slaughter boats – the slaughterhouse of the future
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Bjørn Roth, Nofima

Programme Tuesday 24 August Part 2

Total length: 45 minutes from 14:30 – 15:00 (each presentation lasts 5 minutes)

Aquaculture for the future – better use of all resources   
PresentationSpeaker and institution
Spotted catfish – the ugly duckling in farming?
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Lars Olav Sparboe, Akvaplan-niva
Genetic breeding of kelp
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Åshild Ergon, Norwegian University of Life Sciences – NMBU
How technology can measure growth of micro- and macroalgae along the Norwegian coast
NB: This presentation will be held in English
Glaucia Fragosa, Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU
Collection system for sludge and recycling of the raw material from open fish cages
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Ole Arthur Vaage,
Bedriftsnettverket ARAL
New indicator properties for individual feed efficiency in Atlantic salmon
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Kari Kolstad, Norwegian University of Life Sciences – NMBU
Circular food production – hype or hope?
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Erik-Jan Lock, Institute of Marine Research – IMR
How to prevent and manage episodes of harmful algae and jellyfish in the aquaculture industry
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Trine Dale, Norwegian Institute of Water Research – NIVA
Polychaetes Contribution to Circular Economy as Recyclers of Aquaculture Sludge
NB: This presentation will be held in English
Arne Malzahn, SINTEF Ocean
ASTRAL – All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture
NB: This presentation will be held in English
Elisa Ravagnan, Norce

Programme Wednesday 25 August Part 1

Total length: 50 minutes from 11.00 – 12.00 (each presentation lasts 5 minutes)

How to ensure a healthy and robust fish?  
PresentationSpeaker and institution
Salmon that grows slowly at the hatchery stage gets better heart health later in life
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Ida Beitnes Johansen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences – NMBU
Can hatcheries get rid of the salmon pox virus?
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Brit Tørud, The Norwegian Veterinary Institute – VI
Industrial testing of a new Norwegian ozone reactor and skimmer system
NB: This presentation will be held in English
Kevin Torben Stiller, Nofima/Normex
A systematic review on environmental conditions affecting production of robust smolt/ postsmolt fish
NB: This presentation will be held in English
Pradeep Lal, Norce  
Infection networks and modeling
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Per-Arne Emaus, Akvaplan-niva
Infection tracing in Norwegian aquaculture
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Snorre Gulla, The Norwegian Veterinary Institute – VI
ILA – infection detection and significance of HPR0
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Torfinn Moldal, The Norwegian Veterinary Institute – VI
Modeling of combat strategies against ILA
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Mona Dverdal Jansen, The Norwegian Veterinary Institute – VI
Starving of salmon – a positive story
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Lars Helge Stien, Institute of Marine Research – IMR

Programme Wednesday 25 August Part 2

Total length: 50 minutes from 14:00 – 15:00 (each presentation lasts 5 minutes)

Are we getting rid of the lice?  
PresentationSpeaker and institution
Getting to know lice – new research from the Lice Center
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Frank Nilsen, University of Bergen
In order to avoid salmon lice you must know where it is
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Mathias Stølen Ugelvik, Institute of Marine Research – IMR
Spreading of salmon lice – from individual facilities to a common strategy
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Ingrid Johnsen, Institute of Marine Research – IMR
Swimming behavior of salmon lice copepods – are they attracted to natural and artificial light?
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Anna Solvang Båtnes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU
Salmon lice vaccination – a dream come true?
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Øystein Evensen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences – NMBU
Environmental risk assessment of a new method for administering medicated feeds against salmon lice
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Gro Harlaug Refseth, Akvaplan-niva
Deep dome – submersible cage with air dome
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Trude Olafsen, Akvagroup
The cleaner-fish school – what is that?
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Randi Grøntvedt, The Norwegian Seafood Federation
The initial feeding of cleaner-fish is more important than you think
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Elin Kjørsvik, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU
Overview of experiences from the use of lice skirts
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Bård Harald Worum, Akvaplan-niva
Lumpfish – effect of lice treatment
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Elisabeth Ytteborg, Nofima

Programme Thursday 26 August Part 1

Total length: 50 minutes from 11.00 – 12.00 (each presentation lasts 5 minutes)

Environmental and social challenges in aquaculture – how can they be solved?   
PresentationSpeaker and institution
Can we eat the cleaner-fish?
This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Gøril Voldnes, Nofima
Sustainable food production from aquaculture
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Per Fauchald, The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research – NINA
Green energy for the aquaculture industry through floating solar cell systems
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Jan Erik Våge Klepp, Inseanergy  
Fixing the fish? Use of CRISPR in the aquaculture industry
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Torill Blix/Hannah Winther, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU
Significance of the Norwegian aquaculture industry in a global perspective
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Ulf Johansen, SINTEF Ocean  
“Greener” salmon with natural microalgae
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Gabriel Ossenkamp, FjordAlg
What do we know about the effects of escaped farmed fish?
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Kevin Glover, Institute of Marine Research – IMR
Humpback salmon (pink, or Oncorhyncus gorbscha) in Norway, today and in the future.
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Henrik Berntsen, The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research – NINA
More environmental-friendly transport of salmon?
NB: This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Bjørn Tore Rotabakk, Nofima
Spatial planning for the aquaculture industry of the future
This presentation will be held in Norwegian
Tormod H. Skålsvik, Akvaplan-niva