Digital event: Seaweed production and technology development in Europe
25. October 2021 · Ukategorisert
The largest seaweed producers are located in Asia. Simultaneously, several research and development projects within the seaweed segment has been initiated by the EU. In collaboration with SINTEF Ocean and NTNU Ocean, Aqua Nor invites both producers of seaweed and kelp and developers and suppliers of technology to a digital half-day event, examining the possibilities for future collaboration.

Digital half-day symposium: «Seaweed production; Technological possibilities and challenges»

November 24th,
from 9am – 12pm CET


How to participate
The symposium is held on Aqua Nor Digital. Participation is free for everyone. Follow the link below to create a user on the platform.
If you need help login in, please contact aquanor@eventreg.no
A meeting place for producers and suppliers
European nations such as Norway, Denmark and Scotland have a long history with fish farming, and thus several companies who specialize in developing equipment for the aqua culture industry, whether it be vessels, farming methods or other solutions that can be applied to seaweed production.
The symposium will highlight ongoing R&D projects, technological development and opportunities for innovation within the global seaweed production.
Jorunn Skjermo at SINTEF Ocean will be the host of the Symposium.
Time | Topic | Contributor |
09:00-09:05 | Introduction to symposium | Karl Almås, SINTEF Ocean |
The global picture | ||
09:05-09:20 | Global Seeweed production | Dr. Rohana Subasinghe |
09:20-09:35 | Global compact | Erik Giercksky, UN Global Compact |
European challenges and opportunities | ||
09:35-09:50 | Ongoing initiatives | Jon Funderud, CEO Seaweed Solutions AS |
09:50-10:05 | Perspectives on the European seaweed industry | Adrien Vincent, Programme Director, Seaweed for Europe – SYSTEMIQ |
Technological development | ||
10:05-10:20 | Ongoing projects | Silje Forbord, Senior Scientist , SINTEF Ocean |
10:20-10:35 | Seafarming and harvesting | Eivind Lona, Scientist, SINTEF Ocean |
10:35-11:20 | Plenary discussion | Debate leader: Jorunn Skjermo, Ph.D, Senior Scientist, SINTEF Ocean Participant: Dr. Rohana Subasinghe Participant: Kim Kristiansen, CEO Arctic Seaweed Participant: Eva Helen Rognskog, Satpos Participant: Erik Giercksky, UN Global Compact |
The platform is open
The digital trade fair platform is open and available right now for everyone. On the platform you can visit a number of exciting exhibitors, view recordings and program from the trade fair days in Trondheim, and explore the numerous ways to connect with others in the aquaculture industry.